
7 Benefits of Mediation
Divorce mediation is becoming increasingly popular due to its non-adversarial approach and cost-effectiveness. Duffy & Associates gets you through the process – giving you better footing for your future life.

We Provide the Road Map
Duffy & Associates outlines the process in easy-to-understand terms, from identifying the information you need, the negotiation points and joint decisions that need to be made, to the procedural requirements of the dissolution or divorce.

Once all matters have been decided, Duffy & Associates drafts the full mediated agreement, specifying the terms of the divorce and addressing all issues required by the Domestic Relations Court.

Costs a Fraction of Contested Divorce
According to most sources, the average cost of a litigated divorce in the United States is $15,000 for each side. If both parties’ legal fees are comparable, the total cost becomes $30,000.

In contrast, couples choosing mediation pay a mediation fee, court filing fee, and the fee for drafting the paperwork for filing. The sum for filing of all these fees amounts to 5-10% of the average total cost of a litigated divorce, depending on its complexity of the mediation and the going rate for mediation in the region where the couple lives.


7 Benefits of Mediation
Divorce mediation is becoming increasingly popular due to its non-adversarial approach and cost-effectiveness. Duffy & Associates gets you through the process – giving you better footing for your future life.

We Provide the Road Map
Duffy & Associates outlines the process in easy-to-understand terms, from identifying the information you need, the negotiation points and joint decisions that need to be made, to the procedural requirements of the dissolution or divorce.

Once all matters have been decided, Duffy & Associates drafts the full mediated agreement, specifying the terms of the divorce and addressing all issues required by the Domestic Relations Court.

Costs a Fraction of Contested Divorce
According to most sources, the average cost of a litigated divorce in the United States is $15,000 for each side. If both parties’ legal fees are comparable, the total cost becomes $30,000.

In contrast, couples choosing mediation pay a mediation fee, court filing fee, and the fee for drafting the paperwork for filing. The sum for filing of all these fees amounts to 5-10% of the average total cost of a litigated divorce, depending on its complexity of the mediation and the going rate for mediation in the region where the couple lives.

You’re in Control

In divorce mediation the couple controls how quickly or slowly decisions are made, and what the terms of the divorce will be. The couple comes to mutual agreement on all the terms of the divorce during the mediation process, in contrast to a litigated divorce in which the Domestic Relations Court sets hearing dates and judges make all final decisions.

Easier for Everyone

The worst aspect of a divorce for couples and their families is the inherent conflict. Often, the traditional adversarial divorce only increases the intensity of the conflict. In mediation, spouses negotiate directly requiring both parties to rationally discuss how they shall divide their financial assets, as well as make decisions based on what is in the best interest of their children.

The way a marriage ends can also significantly impact the way one approaches future relationships. For couples with children, ending a marriage in a non-adversarial way makes joint parenting much healthier and easier for all involved.

Emotions Are Managed

Many people simply want to be heard and understood in the divorce process. However, on their own this can get out of control, as each person triggers anger and resentment in the other, often times unintentionally. A trained mediator can assist the parties in acknowledging feelings without allowing feelings to control the decision-making process.

You Can Still Go to Court

When people use divorce mediation, they do not give up their right to go to court. Any issue that cannot be resolved in mediation can always be addressed separately in court. All the other agreements that were reached in mediation are still documented by the mediator and used by the couple when finalizing their divorce.

You Get Legal Information

Duffy & Associates provides ample legal information for clients to make their own decisions about what is fair and equitable. The law restricts mediators from providing legal advice to either party, but mediators can share their general knowledge of how the court might address the issues in your case.